Citimerspec | |
Cpw_array | |
Cpw_buffer | Buffer structure obtained from pw_stream_dequeue_buffer() |
Cpw_buffers | |
Cpw_client | |
Cpw_client_endpoint | |
Cpw_client_endpoint_events | |
Cpw_client_endpoint_methods | |
Cpw_client_events | Client events |
Cpw_client_info | The client information |
Cpw_client_methods | Client methods |
Cpw_client_node | |
Cpw_client_node_buffer | Information about a buffer |
Cpw_client_node_events | Client Node events |
Cpw_client_node_methods | Client Node methods |
Cpw_client_session | |
Cpw_client_session_events | |
Cpw_client_session_methods | |
Cpw_context | |
Cpw_context_events | Context events emitted by the context object added with pw_context_add_listener |
Cpw_control | |
Cpw_control_events | Port events, use pw_control_add_listener |
Cpw_core | |
Cpw_core_events | Core events |
Cpw_core_info | The core information |
Cpw_core_methods | Core methods |
Cpw_data_loop | |
Cpw_data_loop_events | Loop events, use pw_data_loop_add_listener to add a listener |
Cpw_device | |
Cpw_device_events | Device events |
Cpw_device_info | The device information |
Cpw_device_methods | Device methods |
Cpw_endpoint | |
Cpw_endpoint_events | |
Cpw_endpoint_info | |
Cpw_endpoint_link | |
Cpw_endpoint_link_events | |
Cpw_endpoint_link_info | |
Cpw_endpoint_link_methods | |
Cpw_endpoint_methods | |
Cpw_endpoint_stream | |
Cpw_endpoint_stream_events | |
Cpw_endpoint_stream_info | |
Cpw_endpoint_stream_methods | |
Cpw_export_type | Data for registering export functions |
Cpw_factory | |
Cpw_factory_events | Factory events |
Cpw_factory_info | The factory information |
Cpw_factory_methods | Factory methods |
Cpw_filter | |
Cpw_filter_events | Events for a filter |
Cpw_global | |
Cpw_global_events | Global events, use pw_global_add_listener |
Cpw_impl_client | |
Cpw_impl_client_events | The events that a client can emit |
Cpw_impl_core | |
Cpw_impl_core_events | Factory events, listen to them with pw_impl_core_add_listener |
Cpw_impl_device | |
Cpw_impl_device_events | Device events, listen to them with pw_impl_device_add_listener |
Cpw_impl_factory | |
Cpw_impl_factory_events | Factory events, listen to them with pw_impl_factory_add_listener |
Cpw_impl_factory_implementation | |
Cpw_impl_link | |
Cpw_impl_link_events | Link events added with pw_impl_link_add_listener |
Cpw_impl_metadata | |
Cpw_impl_metadata_events | Metadata events, listen to them with pw_impl_metadata_add_listener |
Cpw_impl_module | |
Cpw_impl_module_events | Module events added with pw_impl_module_add_listener |
Cpw_impl_node | |
Cpw_impl_node_events | Node events, listen to them with pw_impl_node_add_listener |
Cpw_impl_node_rt_events | |
Cpw_impl_port | |
Cpw_impl_port_events | Port events, use pw_impl_port_add_listener |
Cpw_link | |
Cpw_link_events | Link events |
Cpw_link_info | The link information |
Cpw_link_methods | Link methods |
Cpw_loop | |
Cpw_main_loop | A main loop object |
Cpw_main_loop_events | Events of the main loop |
Cpw_map | A map |
Cpw_map_range | Parameters to map a memory range |
Cpw_memblock | Memory block structure |
Cpw_memchunk | |
Cpw_memmap | Mapped region of a pw_memblock |
Cpw_mempool | A memory pool is a collection of pw_memblocks |
Cpw_mempool_events | |
Cpw_metadata | |
Cpw_metadata_events | Metadata events |
Cpw_metadata_methods | Metadata methods |
Cpw_module | |
Cpw_module_events | Module events |
Cpw_module_info | The module information |
Cpw_module_methods | Module methods |
Cpw_node | |
Cpw_node_events | Node events |
Cpw_node_info | The node information |
Cpw_node_methods | Node methods |
Cpw_permission | |
Cpw_port | |
Cpw_port_events | Port events |
Cpw_port_info | |
Cpw_port_methods | Port methods |
Cpw_profiler | |
Cpw_profiler_events | Profiler events |
Cpw_profiler_methods | Profiler methods |
Cpw_properties | |
Cpw_protocol | |
Cpw_protocol_client | |
Cpw_protocol_events | |
Cpw_protocol_implementation | |
Cpw_protocol_marshal | |
Cpw_protocol_native_demarshal | |
Cpw_protocol_native_ext | pw_protocol_native_ext methods |
Cpw_protocol_native_message | |
Cpw_protocol_server | |
Cpw_proxy | |
Cpw_proxy_events | Proxy events, use pw_proxy_add_listener |
Cpw_registry | |
Cpw_registry_events | Registry events |
Cpw_registry_methods | Registry methods |
Cpw_resource | |
Cpw_resource_events | Resource events |
Cpw_session | |
Cpw_session_events | |
Cpw_session_info | |
Cpw_session_methods | |
Cpw_stream | |
Cpw_stream_control | |
Cpw_stream_events | Events for a stream |
Cpw_thread_loop | |
Cpw_thread_loop_events | Thread loop events |
Cpw_time | A time structure |
Cpw_work_queue | |
Cspa_audio_aec | |
Cspa_audio_aec_events | |
Cspa_audio_aec_info | |
Cspa_audio_aec_methods | |
Cspa_audio_info | |
Cspa_audio_info_aac | |
Cspa_audio_info_alac | |
Cspa_audio_info_amr | |
Cspa_audio_info_ape | |
Cspa_audio_info_dsd | |
Cspa_audio_info_dsp | |
Cspa_audio_info_flac | |
Cspa_audio_info_iec958 | |
Cspa_audio_info_mp3 | |
Cspa_audio_info_opus | |
Cspa_audio_info_ra | |
Cspa_audio_info_raw | Audio information description |
Cspa_audio_info_vorbis | |
Cspa_audio_info_wma | |
Cspa_audio_layout_info | |
Cspa_buffer | A Buffer |
Cspa_buffer_alloc_info | Information about the buffer layout |
Cspa_callbacks | Callbacks, contains the structure with functions and the data passed to the functions |
Cspa_chunk | Chunk of memory, can change for each buffer |
Cspa_command | |
Cspa_command_body | |
Cspa_cpu | |
Cspa_cpu_methods | Methods |
Cspa_data | Data for a buffer this stays constant for a buffer |
Cspa_dbus | |
Cspa_dbus_connection | |
Cspa_dbus_connection_events | |
Cspa_dbus_methods | |
Cspa_debug_context | |
Cspa_debug_log_ctx | |
Cspa_device | |
Cspa_device_events | Spa_device_events: |
Cspa_device_info | Information about the device and parameters it supports |
Cspa_device_methods | Spa_device_methods: |
Cspa_device_object_info | Information about a device object |
Cspa_dict | |
Cspa_dict_item | |
Cspa_dll | |
Cspa_event | |
Cspa_event_body | |
Cspa_fraction | |
Cspa_graph | |
Cspa_graph_link | |
Cspa_graph_node | |
Cspa_graph_node_callbacks | |
Cspa_graph_port | |
Cspa_graph_state | |
Cspa_handle | |
Cspa_handle_factory | |
Cspa_hook | A hook, contains the structure with functions and the data passed to the functions |
Cspa_hook_list | A list of hooks |
Cspa_i18n | |
Cspa_i18n_methods | |
Cspa_interface | |
Cspa_interface_info | This structure lists the information about available interfaces on handles |
Cspa_io_buffers | IO area to exchange buffers |
Cspa_io_clock | Absolute time reporting |
Cspa_io_latency | Latency reporting |
Cspa_io_memory | IO area to exchange a memory region |
Cspa_io_position | The position information adds extra meaning to the raw clock times |
Cspa_io_range | A range, suitable for input ports that can suggest a range to output ports |
Cspa_io_rate_match | Rate matching |
Cspa_io_segment | A segment converts a running time to a segment (stream) position |
Cspa_io_segment_bar | Bar and beat segment |
Cspa_io_segment_video | Video frame segment |
Cspa_io_sequence | Control stream, io area for SPA_IO_Control and SPA_IO_Notify |
Cspa_io_video_size | |
Cspa_json | |
Cspa_latency_info | Helper structure for managing latency objects |
Cspa_list | |
Cspa_log | |
Cspa_log_methods | |
Cspa_log_topic | Identifier for a topic |
Cspa_log_topic_enum | Enumeration of log topics in a plugin |
Cspa_loop | |
Cspa_loop_control | |
Cspa_loop_control_hooks | Control hooks |
Cspa_loop_control_methods | Control an event loop |
Cspa_loop_methods | Register sources and work items to an event loop |
Cspa_loop_utils | |
Cspa_loop_utils_methods | Create sources for an event loop |
Cspa_meta | A metadata element |
Cspa_meta_bitmap | Bitmap information |
Cspa_meta_busy | Busy counter for the buffer |
Cspa_meta_control | Timed set of events associated with the buffer |
Cspa_meta_cursor | Cursor information |
Cspa_meta_header | Describes essential buffer header metadata such as flags and timestamps |
Cspa_meta_region | Metadata structure for Region or an array of these for RegionArray |
Cspa_meta_videotransform | Transformation of the buffer |
Cspa_node | |
Cspa_node_callbacks | Node callbacks |
Cspa_node_events | Events from the spa_node |
Cspa_node_info | Node information structure |
Cspa_node_methods | Node methods |
Cspa_param_info | Information about a parameter |
Cspa_plugin_loader | |
Cspa_plugin_loader_methods | |
Cspa_pod | |
Cspa_pod_array | |
Cspa_pod_array_body | |
Cspa_pod_bitmap | |
Cspa_pod_bool | |
Cspa_pod_builder | |
Cspa_pod_builder_callbacks | |
Cspa_pod_builder_state | |
Cspa_pod_bytes | |
Cspa_pod_choice | |
Cspa_pod_choice_body | |
Cspa_pod_control | |
Cspa_pod_double | |
Cspa_pod_dynamic_builder | |
Cspa_pod_fd | |
Cspa_pod_float | |
Cspa_pod_fraction | |
Cspa_pod_frame | |
Cspa_pod_id | |
Cspa_pod_int | |
Cspa_pod_long | |
Cspa_pod_object | |
Cspa_pod_object_body | |
Cspa_pod_parser | |
Cspa_pod_parser_state | |
Cspa_pod_pointer | |
Cspa_pod_pointer_body | |
Cspa_pod_prop | |
Cspa_pod_rectangle | |
Cspa_pod_sequence | Sequence of timed controls |
Cspa_pod_sequence_body | |
Cspa_pod_string | |
Cspa_pod_struct | |
Cspa_point | |
Cspa_poll_event | |
Cspa_port_info | Port information structure |
Cspa_process_latency_info | Helper structure for managing process latency objects |
Cspa_ratelimit | |
Cspa_rectangle | |
Cspa_region | |
Cspa_result_device_params | |
Cspa_result_device_params_data | |
Cspa_result_node_error | Error result |
Cspa_result_node_params | Result of enum_params or port_enum_params |
Cspa_result_node_params_data | |
Cspa_ringbuffer | A ringbuffer type |
Cspa_source | |
Cspa_strbuf | |
Cspa_support | Extra supporting infrastructure passed to the init() function of a factory |
Cspa_system | |
Cspa_system_methods | |
Cspa_tag_info | Helper structure for managing tag objects |
Cspa_thread | |
Cspa_thread_utils | |
Cspa_thread_utils_methods | Thread utils |
Cspa_type_info | |
Cspa_video_colorimetry | Spa_video_colorimetry: |
Cspa_video_info | |
Cspa_video_info_dsp | |
Cspa_video_info_h264 | |
Cspa_video_info_mjpg | |
Cspa_video_info_raw | |